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Nicki Hammond

Team Rider - Buggy



Why do you kite?

Enjoy the thrill of it all, learning new tricks and playing with the elements and unknown quantity


Why freestyle and not racing?

Don't get bored freestyling always something new to learn!


What are you most well known for?

Buggy jumping with Karen and we were the first women to compete in freestyle. Generally with my friends been insanely fit and healthy.


What would you like to be most well known for?

Giving men a run for there money in some sports like obstacal races


What do you do for windless fun?

Rock climb, mountain bike, mountain walking, spartan races, circuit training and cuddling my dog


Favourite setup?

11m Waroo with 15mph wind


Favourite trick?

Two wheel jump to land on two wheels


Grass or beach?

Either but learned on grass, it feels like home


Favourite spot?

Midlands airfield, formerly known as Airboss for grass and Rhossneigr for beach


Describe your style

Oops, went higher than I thought, scream is an unplanned reaction lol


Vision for kitesports

Be great to see the sport grow but people learning properly to reduce accidents with others and putting their own lives in avoidable danger - but accidents do happen


In your opinion, why don’t more girls jump on land?

Because there generally a bunch of wimps hehe


Do you do any of your own kit maintenance? (eg fix broken kites, change bearings, mixer test etc).

I've changed bearings, cleaned it up, added stuff, fixed broken bits.

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